Map of Udgaard

                                  North Gate
         -------------Opal Lane-----------------Opal Lane--------------
         |  -------------------------------------------------------   |
         |  |           Udgaard Loke's Palace (unopened)          |   |
         |  |          _________________________________          |   |
         |  |          |                               |          |   |
         |  |          |    Anti-    Altar   Cleric's  |          |   |
         |  |__________|  Paladin's (recall)  Guild    |__________|   |
         |                  Guild                                     |
     Turquoise                   \     |     /                      Marble
       Lane                        ---------                         Lane
         |                         |       |                          |
  West__ |__West Street___________ courtyard____________East Street___|East
  Gate   |                |    |   |       |        |                 |Gate
         |                |    |   |       |        |                 |
         |                |   Mess |       |Torden's|                 |
         |       Stables__|---Hall-|_______|-Arms   |                 |
         |                |        |   |   |        |    Necromancer's|
         |                |      Court |  Mud      Jade      Delight  |
     Turquoise            |      House | School    Lane          |  Marble
       Lane           Obsidian         |            |            |   Lane
         |-Baker's      Lane           |    Boiling_|__________Magic__|
         |  Rise          |            |   Cauldron |          Arcade |
         |                |   The      |            |             |   |
         |         Ninja _|___Pharmacy |    Broken__|_Thieves  Liquid |
         |         Dojo   |          South   Hilt   |  Guild    Gate  |
         |                |          Street         |                 |
         |-Cobbler        |  Thorne's  |            |         Dark    |
         |                |    Sharps  |  Bank      |        Library--|
         |           Ivy _|        \   |  /         |_Furniture       |
         |          Patch |____Bloodstone_Lane______|   Store         |
         |                  ||     |   |  |       ||                  |
         | Jaette       Barracks Krons | Jorgen's  Barracks   Small   |
         |- Bar                  Spits | Gems                 School--|
         |                             |                              |
         |                             |                              |
         |        Burnt    Tested      |  Warrior's    Old Dwarf's    |
         |      Building  Traveller    |   Guild          Home        |
         |          |       |  |       |    |  |            |         |