Object Affect Flags

Below is a list of the available affect flags for objects (these flags are identical to the affect flags in the mobiles section.)

A*blindMobile is blinded
BinvisibleMobile is invisible
Cdetect evilMobile can sense evil
Ddetect invisMobile can see invisible
Edetect magicMobile can see magic
Fdetect hideMobile can see hidden (sneaking/hiding) characters
Gdetect goodMobile can sense good
HsanctuaryMobile is protected by a sanctuary spell
I*faerie fireMobile is surrounded by faerie fire (a hindrance)
JinfravisionMobile can see heat sources in the dark
KcurseMobile is cursed
LcamouflagedMobile is camouflaged
M*poisonedMobile is poisoned
Nprotect evilMobile takes less damage from evil characters
Oprotect goodMobile takes less damage from good characters
PsneakingMobile is sneaking (hard to detect while moving)
QhidingMobile is hiding (cannot be seen without detect hidden)
R*sleepMobile is affected by the sleep spell
S*charmMobile is charmed (rather senseless, because there is no charmer...)
TflyingMobile is flying
Upass doorMobile can walk through closed doors
VhasteMobile is affected by a haste spell
W*calmMobile is affected by calm
X*plaqueMobile is plaqued (and infecting!)
Y*weakenMobile is affected by weaken
Zdark visionMobile can see in the dark without a light source
a*berserkMobile is permanently berserking
bswimmingMobile is swimming (or capable of swimming)
cregenerationMobile recovers hit points and mana faster than usual
dslowMobile is affected by slow

* items will be detrimental to the character, possibly for cursed items.


F A 2 3 Vdex+3 and AFF_HASTE
F A 0 0 CDEFGa true sight item
F I 0 0 CDimmune to weapons and magic! :)

Know that the second letter in each of the above examples corresponds to these meanings:

A = affect
I = immunity
R = resistance
V = vulnerability

For obvious reasons, be VERY careful in creating permanent affected items. A permanent sanctuary item, for instance, would be of questionable balance and will likely be stripped from your area unless you have some extreme justification for it.

See the #MOBILES section for a listing of immunity/resistance/vulnerability flags.